Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Well, today is father's day. Dustin got to take a big, long nap today, which is pretty much a thing of the past in this house these days. While he was napping and I was incessantly chasing Miles around the house, I was able to appreciate the Fathers that I am surrounded by. I consider myself SO lucky, for only ever knowing amazing, loving, and helpful dads throughout my life.

So I'd like to wish them all a Happy Father's Day...

To my grandfathers who both are and were some of the kindest and most loving men I know.

To Dustin - it's his first Father's Day and he got up at 3:00 am to comfort a distraught little boy. I knew the minute I married you that you would be an amazing Dad, but I didn't fully understand just how amazing you are. I know that I'm not always the easiest person to parent with, because - well let's face it - I seem to always know best :) - but you continue to work so hard. And when you come pedaling home all sweaty and tired from a long day at work and an uphill bikeride home, you take Miles from me so that I can work on my own schoolwork. You know how to make both of us laugh, and I know it kills you when Miles is sleeping in and I won't let you go say goodbye to him before you leave for work. All of these things are what makes you a great dad and a fabulous husband. You have no idea how much we love you.

To Gail - My father-in-law. Since I have joined your family over six years ago I have felt nothing but loved from you. You laugh at my jokes, even when you can't hear me, and you have such a sensitive quality that I truly cherish. I'm so glad that you can be a Papa to Miles. And besides all that, it takes a great father to raise a son that becomes such a great father. So thank you, for raising a husband that has nothing but love, devotion, and laughter to give his family. More of that comes from you than you realize.

And lastly - to my own father. It is hard to live so far away from you and mom - especially now that we have Miles. My whole life I have heard stories from friends about their dads and never once felt jealous. If anything, I always felt sorry for others because I always knew that I had the best one. A dad that would work two jobs and not miss a volleyball game, and would only ever tell me how proud he was of me. A dad who taught me how to work hard and about the importance of humility. Us four kids had something very special and I will ever take for granted the life that you and mom gave us. And now, seeing you as a grandpa to Miles makes me so happy. It's obvious that he adores you. I love you dad!