Monday, August 9, 2010

The One Where Joey Speaks French

As a product of the nineties I can relate nearly every experience I have to a Friends episode. I try to explain this to my students every once in awhile, but it is sadly getting to the point where my students don't even know Friends, or the legacy that it was. Back to the original purpose of this post. Again, I had an experience that immediately took me back to an episode of Friends. I was trying to teach Miles how to say "Umbrella". Perhaps some of you might remember this Friends episode from when Joey was auditioning for an upcoming movie and Phoebe was trying to teach him French.....

This is very similar to my experience with my son.
Me: "Miles, this is an umbrella."
Miles: blank stare
Me: "Can you say Umbrella?"
Miles: "Ba!"
Me: "Um-brel-la."
Miles: "Ba-ba."
Me: "Um"
Miles: "Ba!"
Me: "Oh, forget it."


Kristen said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Oh man, now I feel old.

Well, if it makes you feel any better, I will always get your "Friends" references.

sue said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

omg. we have those conversations here too! they are just like that. ah, i love "friends"!