Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Day 21: Bonus Day

Yesterday we all had work off because of Martin Luther King Day.  As an educator, I always thought of it as a "bonus day" off of work, and didn't give it the reverence it deserved. It wasn't until I left the country and lived among people from many nations, that I realized how beautifully powerful, humble, and loving this man was.  It wasn't until I was gone that I realized the course of our country had been plowed by many people at that time, but because Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was there shouting his messages of love and peace it all went a very important direction. It all could have gone very differently.

But this post is mostly about the bonus day, because even though we aren't both educators anymore, we were both fortunate to get yesterday off as a family.  I love not being busy and just relaxing with my children.  I know what over-stimulation looks like and what expectations that are set too high feel like.  Because having children is expensive and hard work, it has been a long time since we had done any sort of fun outing as a family.  We do fun things, but close to home and free things.  I think the last time we went out in public as a family was in Northern Ireland.  Eek.

So yesterday when Dustin suggested we get out of the house and take our pajamas off before 10 am, I was all like what could possibly possess me to do that?  But I listened to him, and I'm glad I did. 

We decided to go to the Children's Discovery Museum because we had gift certificates from family.  The boys had a lot of fun while we were there, and it was fun to watch them play.  They all did an amazing job sharing with other children which, in my opinion, made the outing worth it for me. (Small victories.)  We then walked over to the nearby train station for lunch, which was also possible because of a gift certificate from a friend.  The boys loved eating in a train station.  Miles watched vehicles and scarfed down so much food you would think we forgot to feed him that morning.  Liam talked too loud.  Oliver refused to sit.  It was magical.

After a few more hours at the museum we decided it was time for some ice cream and coffee - our two favorite things.  Then finally we headed home with a car full of tired bodies. 

Once we got home quiet time was replaced by quiet play time, which really just turned into play time.  And since an early bedtime was in order we decided to end our bonus day with a dinner of popcorn cuddled in sleeping bags and watching a movie. 

My heart overflows.

Today I am thankful for bonus days with my family.

Update: Just as I was getting ready to hit publish my husband walks in with a message on my phone that Miles' school is cancelled.  Let this be a warning: be careful what you're thankful for. 

The Year of Gratitude